Saturday, November 01, 2008

We're in Phase 3!

Whew! I am so tired...I have been working on my personal data information form for our adoption for over 2 hours and I only am on page 10 of 16! I am calling it a night and I hope to finish the rest of the questions tomorrow. So far I have had to discuss my parents marriage and my views on adoption as well as my physical and mental health (no comments please). I know I have at least one reader (thanks Kendal!) so I will continue to ask for prayers for this adoption. We also found out yesterday that our references got their paper work in the mail and I pray for them as they answer the reference questions that they have received. I just pray for whoever it is that will give us a baby, prayers for strength and good health. I know that this little baby that will come into our lives may have already been conceived and it gives me goose bumps to think about! I'm sorry I am rambling tonight but my brain is just fried from all the questions. As I have said before...I hate writing my feelings down and this paperwork is pages and pages of just that!

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