Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pictures of Madelyn

Because I am missing her so much today and most of you have never gotten the chance to see her, I am going to share some pictures of my first born baby girl, Madelyn.

She had pretty bad facial deformities that I'm not sure everyone would be comfortable seeing so I will save some pictures for another time (maybe).

Here she is:

My first time holding her:

Daddy's first time holding her:


Stephanie said...

I still feel blessed to have been able to share some of that day with you. It was a tender, yet raw time. Your love for her and for each other was so evident, also your strength for the future. Blessings on your whole family!

Elizabeth said...

thanks so much for sharing and patrick are brave and strong...madelyn looks like she was a precious little girl with perfect little hands and feet

elizabeth acton

Anonymous said...

What a precious little angel girl. The looks on your faces tell the whole story of the love and heartbreak you experienced that day. What a special baby she is.

Jen said...

I'm sorry I didn't comment on this earlier. For some reason it didn't show up that you had updated.

Thank you so much for sharing pictures of your daughter with us. The pictures were awesome and I love the one of her little foot. How precious.

Also thank you for the thoughtful comment today on my blog.