Sunday, November 30, 2008


I don't have any new information to post but thought I would let you know what I have been thinking about lately. We are now officially in the season of Advent where we wait for the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. I LOVE Christmas and always seem to overlook the season of Advent in favor of focusing on Christmas and the joy of that day!

In a lot of ways this adoption is just like that. I would love to just overlook the next year of waiting for the birth of a child, of my child. I would love to just get to the good part and have our child with us. I know that I need to wait, I have no choice but it will be very hard for me. Even just waiting now to hear back from the social worker to schedule our home visit is difficult for me.

Please pray for my patience, that God gives me more and helps me to get through this season of Advent in my life. And please pray for the woman who will give us the best gift ever. I think about her sometimes and hope that God gives her comfort during this time and keeps her healthy and safe! Thank you for your prayers!

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