Sunday, November 30, 2008


I don't have any new information to post but thought I would let you know what I have been thinking about lately. We are now officially in the season of Advent where we wait for the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. I LOVE Christmas and always seem to overlook the season of Advent in favor of focusing on Christmas and the joy of that day!

In a lot of ways this adoption is just like that. I would love to just overlook the next year of waiting for the birth of a child, of my child. I would love to just get to the good part and have our child with us. I know that I need to wait, I have no choice but it will be very hard for me. Even just waiting now to hear back from the social worker to schedule our home visit is difficult for me.

Please pray for my patience, that God gives me more and helps me to get through this season of Advent in my life. And please pray for the woman who will give us the best gift ever. I think about her sometimes and hope that God gives her comfort during this time and keeps her healthy and safe! Thank you for your prayers!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Practicing patience

I am home from my 2 week vacation and I am sick. It started last Friday with just a throat thing and some aches. I thought I was on the mend but I think the airplane ride home brought it right back and I felt so sick today. I also had a stomach thing on top of the nasty throat pain. I hope that I feel better in the morning. This will be a short post tonight but I wanted to let you all know what is going on.

I talked with Jennifer at Holt today and she said that she has everything she needs except one of our referrals and our medical forms. I knew that she didn't have our medical forms because I just went in this morning to get the TB test. I will go back on Friday morning for them to read the results so they should be able to mail it in that day. So, hopefully our last referral will send in their paperwork soon and maybe, early next week, we will get our home visits scheduled. I know that this wait will be nothing compared to once our home study is complete and sent to Korea so I am trying to be patient.

Please continue to pray that God will keep us patient throughout this process and that He will be with our babies birth mother during this time and keep our baby safe. I am so excited that I have readers of my blog! Thanks to all of you for caring for us and being their with us through this awesome time!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Phase 3 update

I am currently on a 2 week vacation in PA visiting my friends and family! I am so excited to be here and am really enjoying myself so far. Patrick will join me on the 11th and then we go home together on the 18th!

Before I left home I accomplished great things with my adoption paperwork...I finished all 16 pages of my home study questions! Patrick is about 1/2 done his and our plan is to mail it out on Monday! I think we will then get our home visits scheduled but I'm not 100% sure.

We also both went and got our physicals done and are happy to report that we are both HIV negative (not that we had any doubts). Patrick is negative for TB but I will have to get my test done when I get back. It needs to be in your skin for 48 hours so they can measure any reaction you might have. So, things are moving forward and I am still excited about the whole thing.

I'm sure there will be a lull in all the excitement as we wait for almost a year to even get matched but I hope time goes fast and God gives us patience as we wait for our little one. I did the math and our little one could be conceived anytime now! It's neat to think that our little baby could be entering this world as I type.

OK, back to family fun!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

We're in Phase 3!

Whew! I am so tired...I have been working on my personal data information form for our adoption for over 2 hours and I only am on page 10 of 16! I am calling it a night and I hope to finish the rest of the questions tomorrow. So far I have had to discuss my parents marriage and my views on adoption as well as my physical and mental health (no comments please). I know I have at least one reader (thanks Kendal!) so I will continue to ask for prayers for this adoption. We also found out yesterday that our references got their paper work in the mail and I pray for them as they answer the reference questions that they have received. I just pray for whoever it is that will give us a baby, prayers for strength and good health. I know that this little baby that will come into our lives may have already been conceived and it gives me goose bumps to think about! I'm sorry I am rambling tonight but my brain is just fried from all the questions. As I have said before...I hate writing my feelings down and this paperwork is pages and pages of just that!